
Zsolt MolnarZsolt Molnar | | Personal

I recently took it upon myself to make an upgrade to zsoltmolnar.hu, switching from Wix to the technologies I am currently applying in my work. The newly re-engineered zsoltmolnar.hu is created with Next.js, Tailwind, and Cosmic.js, wielding the nimble powers of the Jamstack!

While having a personal website built on Wix did the job, it didn't represent who I was as a developer. Ultimately, I now have the freedom to show my true potential while continuously implementing excellent features to my website.

Tools used: Next.js, Javascript, Tailwind, Cosmic.js, Node.js, Framer Motion

I did not start it from scratch; I forked https://github.com/stefkudla/stefankudla.com as a starter, then modified the code with some addition. Usually, I use Typescript and clean architecture/code, but the forked project does not - anyway, it is a Jamstack project 🤷🏻‍♂️ It at least demonstrates that I can handle legacy code as well 🙂

  • next.js
  • react
  • Javascript
  • Tailwind